Correspondence of the Late James Kilbourne, Founder of the Church in Ohio, the Scioto Purchase, and the Homestead Bill; To Which Are Added Letters to (9781230410845)

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1913 edition. Excerpt: ... notice to terminate the joint occupation as the President advised in his message? Your obedient servant, COLUMBUS DELANO. To Col. J. Kilbourne. Washington, Feb., 1846. My Dear Sir: I have received your communication and have read with great delight and satisfaction your truly graphic and poetic description of the issues of Todd & Bebb. These stirring appeals arouse our people and are indeed the ammunition with which our victories are won. I am glad you approve my resistance to the slave holders aggression. I shall do it, if it costs me political banishment or physical death. If we had not required that war insisted by the act of Mexico, which was a lie, we might have voted supplies to pay Gen. Taylor's Volunteers and send a commission to Mexico to treat of the boundary whereby we should have saved thirty and perhaps one hundred million of dollars and much sacrifice of human life. But nothing would do but a war in order that its immense patronage might be given to Polk and Mexico and the Californias be conquered for the good of slave holders while Oregon was cowardly surrendered. Will land watered by the blood of slavery give vigorous growth to the tree of liberty? I think not. One thing is certain, I never will bow to this southern dictation. I am a freeman and the Representative of freeman and when I vote or act in a way to add territory to this Union at the immense sacrifice of money and men which the Mexican war is to cost for the purpose only to allow a slave holder with one hundred negroes to have as much power in Congress as sixty-one of your neighbors in old Sharon, it will be after I have lost my senses or sold my integrity, which I pray God may never happen. To this hour I am too honest and too free to be guilty of such infamy....

Product details

  • Paperback
  • 189 x 246 x 1mm | 64g
  • English
  • Illustrations, black and white
  • 1230410848
  • 9781230410845

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